by Lily Forester | Aug 5, 2021 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 291 Looking Around with Presence It’s not always easy to keep your cool. In this episode I demonstrate how to be cool feel cool and be cool all the while being cool cool is as cool does cool your chops and cool your heels cool down with a resfreshing cooling...
by Lily Forester | Aug 4, 2021 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 290 A Little Bit Slower When we do our regular chores such as hanging out laundry, putting our clothes away, or washing the dishes, there can be a temptation to rush through it. We hurry, and try to get to the next thing. It’s true that these things are to...
by Lily Forester | Aug 3, 2021 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 289 Centered in Your Being Throughout our day, our attention might wander thousands of times, and sometimes it will start to get wrapped up in an emotion – be it pleasurable or painful. In those moments, we can calmly bring our awareness back to our...
by Lily Forester | Aug 2, 2021 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 288 Beware of the Robot Box Every day we walk a treacherous path, attempting to use several devices without allowing them to enslave us. We call them “computers” and “smartphones”, but their true name is “robot boxes”. Big tech companies seek to increase their...
by Lily Forester | Jul 30, 2021 | interviews, podcast
Episode 287 Backstage at the Greater Reset with Ramiro Romani Ramiro Romani is a software developer and advocate for personal liberty, Internet security and privacy. His current project is Take Back Our Tech, a site which shows people the practical steps for that...
by Lily Forester | Jul 29, 2021 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 286 Six Stories of Identity One way to look at identity is that we have a certain number of stories we can tell about ourselves. At points in our lives, we might spend a lot of time telling stories which, if we were more aware, we might choose not to identity...