Episode 74

Thank You For Being My Mirror

Sometimes, many times, our greatest gifts do not appear as gifts. They come to us in brown paper, crinkled, dirty and ugly. We mistake them for garbage.

When someone gives us a gift like this, we might prefer to reject it… But try as we might, that gift paper is sticky, and it stays with us.

When we look a little closer, and accept that gift humbly, we might realise it is something so fine that not even our closest friends would think to give to us. In that brown paper package is a little mirror.

In that mirror, we see ourselves.

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson


Welcome, welcome, welcome to you.

With great respect, with great love, I welcome you all with all my heart.

I was thinking about the words from poet, songwriter and singer Darwin Grajales from Columbia.

He has this song in which he interprets the formula of Ho’oponopono which I don’t remember the title…. “Lo Siento, Perdón, Gracias, Te Amo.”

I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

And in the song in the thank you verse there’s a line that says “
gracias por ser mi espejo”

Thank you for being my mirror.

And I think about what that means. Sometimes people have a certain preconception about me or they see me in a certain way and they tell me “You are this, I know you are this.”

In the past what happened was I would immediately resist against it, saying “No, I’m not like that. Let me show you the ways I am not like that.”

Of course their reaction would only be “Yes, I expected exactly that you would react like that because you are like this”.

And I would feel trapped by this person’s perception of me. What I found it hard to embrace was that persons perception on some level wasn’t defining me but on some level what they were saying was true.

Maybe they were insulting me, making an observation or maybe they were indifferent to me. There was truth in what they were saying. That’s why I found it so hard to accept, that’s why I denied it, that’s why I resisted it and why I was trapped by it.

It’s kind of a cruel and poetic truth that the only way you can be free from something like that is when you embrace the truth of what that person was saying about you. Not always an easy thing to do.

If we say I love myself, including my flaws. They’re not flaws actually in the grand scheme of things.

I love myself even including the parts of me that I try to deny that I cannot deny.

Sometimes, many times our greatest gifts in life do not appear as gifts. They come in ugly crinkled paper disguised as garbage. They’re not garbage.

When someone gives you a gift like this, you want to reject it.

But it sticks to you.

We can be grateful in that moment because what that person has done is actually is give you a gift that not even your closest friends would be able to give you, the perception of yourself.

They have given you a mirror.

That closed off part of yourself that you would like if it didn’t exist now will come to life and maybe you can let go of resentment about it. Especially let go of the resistance because that’s a key thing.

And maybe you can even be grateful for receiving that gift.

Thank you for having the openness to embrace gifts when they don’t look like gifts.

Thank you for being grateful for these unusual things that life sends us.

Thank you for learning to interpret the subtle messages of the Universe.

Thanks for listening, hope you’re having a great day, I’ll talk to you soon.

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