Episode 203
What’s Good to Watch

Sitting and watching the leaves on the trees moving in the wind, you might try to observe patterns or guess which way the wind is moving. You might think about the trees of your youth and be overcome by nostalgia, feeling deep emotions merely by noticing something which is open and public, and there for you to enjoy almost every day of your life.
If you observe the local fauna with new eyes, you might be fascinated. You might see hummingbirds hovering mid-air, or leaf-cutter ants taking a journey of ten metres to find the leaves with the most sap, or a monarch butterfly which happens to cross your path.
What interesting movements are around you, ready to be explored by an inquiring mind, ripe to provoke inspiration in those who dare to wonder?
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
Let’s talk about what’s good to watch.
The other day sitting in a cafe the wind was blowing the in the trees across the road and I was watching the leaves move in this interesting way and wondering if the farthest tree was a gum tree because those trees look quite similar to the trees of my youth. Kind of becoming a little nostalgic.
How interesting that we could sit and watch something so simple, that people in many days of their lives just walk right past and not think about it, not give a second thought. There must be so many things in this world that are like that.
Often I notice the curious fauna that exists even here in Guadalajara, things like hummingbirds. For me hummingbirds don’t exist in Australia so every time I see one I think “Huh, how peculiar this bird that can hover in midair picking at a flower getting nectar in whatever way it can. Floating it’s way around, so curiously like this alien thing.
Of course it lends itself to poetry. You can hear that in songs like Colibrí Dorado.
This little golden hummingbird, this little flower picker.
Also the leaf cutter ants that I notice sometimes will just be there on the street. Its so curious to watch them because they actually go maybe 10 or 15 meters away to find the right kind of leaves, putting themselves at some risk in order to get those ripe delicious leaves. I don’t know what’s delicious about those leaves that they want those.
Every time I see them I pause a bit and step over their trail and just watch them for a few moments wondering what their world might be like.
I saw the movies The Croods Two the other day and the young boy was so amazed when he arrive at the house for the first time.
And he’s like “what is this, an inside? But I can see outside! And they’re like “Yes little man that’s called a window”
So fascinated that he would sit by the window for hours just watching animals and other curious creatures outside.
Of course it’s supposed to be an analogy for people wasting their lives watching television but from another perspective it’s also quite beautiful that he would think to be so entertained, so fascinated just by watching what’s going on in the world outside of him.
I also think about Dick Feynman he also thought a lot about ants. He would watch them move around his apartment. He would try to coax them to make a different line around the room so he would have more space.
So he wouldn’t have to step on them. Just take his time observing them and wondering with his curious mind, wondering about these creatures.
There are so many things around us that are good to watch. What can we notice?
What is in our world?
What can you even in this moment here right now that might inspire curiosity and wonder.
Thanks for paying attention to the world around you. Thank you for wondering about it. Feeling nostalgic, feeling wonder about the world around you.

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