Episode 343

Relax the Ego

Often a memory will emerge in our heads that bothered us, thinking about something a former lover did, when we were accused of something, or when someone did something that seemed hypocritical. If we’re present, we might notice that we’re not just thinking about the memory – we’re also identifying with the role we were playing in that moment.

Perhaps we put ourselves in a victim role, thinking “I can’t believe that person did this to me!” At once we are identifying with the role, and resisting it. Naturally, it’s uncomfortable.

When we notice, we can take a deep breath – breathing life into the memory, and exhaling the tension of it, just as we would do with a big stretch.

As we relax using the breath, we can find quickly that we don’t need to relate to that memory.

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson



Welcome beautiful thinkers this is how your life is already wonderful.

Id like to talk to you about relaxing the ego. A lot of the time I will notice some thought pop up in my head, sometimes its a memory. Perhaps like something an ex lover used to do to me that would bother me or something about a person which seemed like they were being hypocritical.

I notice if I am being present that not only am I just experiencing this memory, just thinking about it but I am very strongly identifying myself with the role that I was playing in this memory.

With a role that I perhaps now just realized I am imposing on myself. Perhaps with a victim role like “Oh I can’t believe that person did this to me.”

And its not exactly the way I really want to be in my life.

I really start to notice there’s this sort of tension in my head, in my brain, mind. However you want to look at it there is this identity clamped around that role in that memory or thought. And just as we do during yoga, so many times during yoga I will be doing a stretch, reaching for my toes or hopefully even past and I find this tension in the hamstrings, up the back of my thighs.

Breathe in focusing in that tension, breathing life into those tendons and as we exhale breathe out some of that tension. As we breathe out we find we can extend the stretch a little bit more.

A little bit more with every exhalation and its quite phenomenal because it seems like a moment ago this was really difficult to get to my toes but now maybe I’m reaching past my toes and extending the stretch more and more.

Same way we can extend this to the identity, to the ego so we notice in that moment, I feel a little uncomfortable because I am identifying with a role relating to this memory. And then breathe life into it and breathe the tension out of it.

We find very subtly we don’t need to relate or identify so much with what was going on in those memories. If we do of course it will prolong the identification and the memory and feeling of discomfort associated with it. Of being that thing from the deepest level that we don’t really wan’t to be.

So we allow it to relax and then very quickly we find that we don’t need to think of ourselves in that way anymore. And perhaps suddenly our identity is pure potential when we relax the ego.

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