Episode 69

A Smile is Free

A smile is something we can give people, normally with very little effort, to make their day a little better.

But it can be hard to give a genuine smile, a giving smile. If we feel a sense of lack within, it’s going to seem unnatural to others. They won’t necessarily know why, but there will be something about that smile that keeps others away.

However, if we can be a little more centred within ourselves, having that spark which says to us that we have everything to gain and everything to give, people will notice, and many times they will even smile back.

A smile is free… so how free can your smile be?


Welcome wanderers and wonderers, travelers, hobblers and plodders. Welcome to a beautiful thought.

So I want to talk to you today about how a smile is free.

The other day, well a few months back I guess, I was walking through the streets. I was looking at women and I’d smile at them and they weren’t smiling back. And I was like “Hmm, that’s funny. Doesn’t normally happen”

When I got home I started to look within myself and I found that day I had this feeling of lack. So it’s no wonder they weren’t smiling back. I was actually trying to get something from them. I was trying to get some kind of validation.

My smile wasn’t pure my smile was actually a loss of value not adding value. I managed to let that go that day or in the following days. Again when I would walk down the street and start smiling at people they would again smile back at me.

A pure smile is actually a gift. A pure smile comes from that deep part of yourself, it’s not trying to manipulate anyone, not trying to make them smile. Just expressing yourself with something pure like “Hey, here is a gift to you.”

And you know when you’re in that mentality, in that head space it actually doesn’t matter if anyone smiles back at you because all your doing is giving positivity to the world and if it isn’t returned, it doesn’t matter because you’re still having a good time on your own.

All you’re trying to do is invite people into that. Like come with me, join in the joy of life. Have a good time. Things aren’t that serious anyway so why not smile?

Smile. People say nothing is free in this world except for a smile.

I also remember that song when you smile the whole world smiles with you.

There’s also that other song, it’s kind of dark, everyone’s with you when you’re at the top and nobody loves you when you’re down and out.

I forget how that one goes but that kinda cuts deep and in part its because of that. When you’re down and out, you’re not in that mood like “Hey, what can I offer to people. How can I help them? How could I bring that joy out of myself and show it to others?”

It’s not easy to do when you’re in that space.

Because sometimes people wonder how others attain things, how others get material wealth, happiness or whatever it is.

A lot of the time it is because people have that mentality first. The mental part comes first. The imagination comes first and the material part or the manifestation, that comes down the line. It’s like you can believe that you are worthy of happiness than you can start to attain happiness.

If you believe that you’re not worthy of happiness, this is a much harder thing to do.

You do have control over your beliefs you can choose what to focus on. That’s the gift.

Just like a smile, just like a bright wide open smile beaming out to the world. Showing those shiny chompers. Revealing what kind of person you are bringing the smile of your soul to the forefront.

A smile is free, how free can your smile be? Thank you for listening, thank you for showing those smiles out to the world and bringing a little happiness into whatever day, some of these days that you can. If they accept it or reject it, that doesn’t matter.

If they accept it, that’s wonderful because you just changed something in the world. Enacted your own personal power to let people feel a little better.

Thank you again, have a great day, I’ll talk to you soon.

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