Episode 128

The word “amen” goes back to Hebrew roots, literally meaning “truth”, and even further to the Semitic root a-m-n “to be trustworthy, confirm, support.”
When we say “amen” at the end of a prayer, it doesn’t need to be just a ritual. It can be an affirmation that everything we said is pure, right, and true.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
So I’d like to talk to you about the word amen.
Sometimes I sit down for meditation after 20 minutes I start to say a little prayer.
I actually start to thank myself.
Thanks Kurt for being here and taking the time just to do nothing, just to enjoy the peace, just to enjoy yourself a little. Introspect, find out what’s going on inside, give a little checkup a little awareness because I’m the only one that can do that.
It’s really nice that you would do that for yourself and for other people because the peace that you bring into your life through meditation helps all of the people around you when it’s effective/
Thank you, thank me.
Not sure how that works grammatically. I thank myself doesn’t quite have the same impact as thank you.
And there’s sometimes I dedicate the merit of the meditation to someone else and sometimes I dedicate it to myself. Maybe someone I care about, maybe somebody actually that I don’t care about. Maybe someone who has wronged me in some way and I do my best to wish them well and think I hope that person finds a path to happiness and fulfillment.
If they were angry with me I hope they can find a way to mellow out so they can enjoy life more. That would be really cool if that person did that, we could all get along much better if that person could relax and we share some good vibes together.
Or you know share some good vibes apart, whatever it happens to be. After that of course I say that magic word, amen.
And I notice a few weeks ago when I was doing this it was like I was saying it as a sort of chore. I wasn’t saying it with full meaning, significance and resonance. Just saying it as if it’s part of a ritual of saying a prayer.
Then it occurred to me in some moment that I could say it with its full force.
Of course the word amen leads back to Latin or Greek of course starting first with Hebrew. The word literally means truth.
If you break it down into it’s roots it’s like saying “I affirm truth” or something like that.
When we say amen we are saying truth, we are saying this is true.
We are saying it is so and we are also saying let it be.
Affirming that something is real and also speaking it into existence.
What kind of resonance can you give that word if you say it? What kind of full significance that it is a sort of magic word that when we pray for something nice, we say yes let’s bring this into existence so well as if it has always been.
Now when I think of that and I get to the end of my prayer and I say it just quietly in my mind, maybe singing a bit. Maybe imagining a chorus behind me, like a Gregorian monk. Maybe something more delightful more joyful, Amen.
Something beaming out with lightness of being coming for us to affirm that what we’ve said is good and right and true. Amen.
Thank you for listening, I hope you have a wonderful day, Amen.

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