by Lily Forester | Jan 12, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 401 Learn a Language If you only speak one language, you might assume that other languages are more or less like codes. You just swap some words for others, and change the order around a little bit, and “voila!” In fact, it’s not like that at all. Every...
by Lily Forester | Jan 11, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 400 Freedom to be Miserable In Brave New World, a manager of a factory gives a little history lesson, saying: “Sleep-teaching was actually prohibited in England. There was something called liberalism. Parliament, if you know what that was, passed a law against...
by Lily Forester | Jan 10, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 399 Something Else: A New Way of Relating On 90s sitcoms like Seinfeld the characters would debate whether it was fair to break up with someone by a phone call after 3 dates, or perhaps that person deserved the dignity of a meeting in person. At some point it...
by Lily Forester | Jan 6, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 397 Rest as that Condition In Sam Harris’s app Waking up he often asks the listener to notice the condition of being aware, and to “rest as that condition”. We fall back into awareness, and allow ourselves to see that everything we experience is just a...
by Lily Forester | Jan 5, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 396 God Bless Them When many people visit Latin America or Latin Europe, they are astounded by the hospitality of the people who go out of their way to chat with you or accommodate you. Their sweet demeanour shows their sweet hearts that cannot be hidden....
by Lily Forester | Jan 4, 2022 | podcast, short episodes
Episode 395 Psychopaths and Heroes The bystander effect describes a situation where nobody takes action because they believe it’s not their duty, or that there’s nothing to be done. For example, if a person is stabbed in the street in a city, being watched by a crowd,...