The Seed of Greatness: Episode 255

The Seed of Greatness: Episode 255

Episode 255 The Seed of Greatness In Toward A Psychology of Being, our Teacher Abraham Maslow writes: “He who belies his talent, the born painter who sells stockings instead, the intelligent man who lives a stupid life, the man who sees the truth and keeps his mouth...
That Positive Part of You: Episode 254

That Positive Part of You: Episode 254

Episode 254 That Positive Part of You This inner nature, as much as we know of it so far, seems not to be intrinsically evil, but rather either neutral or positively “good.” What we call evil behavior appears most often to be a secondary reaction to frustration of...
Making Progress: Episode 253

Making Progress: Episode 253

Episode 253 Making Progress Every day we exercise our habits, some good and some bad. Some bring us closer to our preferred state, and some remove us further. Right now, and every day, we have the choice of bringing more presence into which habits we keep and which we...
Spiritual Insight with Prasad: Episode 252

Spiritual Insight with Prasad: Episode 252

Episode 252 Spiritual Insight with Prasad Swami Gyanmitra Prem Prasad is a co-founder of Souls Enterprise, an organization which seeks to encourage insight, growth and ever-expanding awareness. Prasad has been called a cosmic cowboy, a master life coach, a guide, a...
Trust the Situation: Episode 251

Trust the Situation: Episode 251

Episode 5 Jump Around At many points of our lives, perhaps many times a day, we put our trust in other people, perhaps even complete strangers. We cross the street, expecting that we won’t be run over. We drive our cars expecting that the brakes will still function....
Enjoy the Good Times: Episode 250

Enjoy the Good Times: Episode 250

Episode 5 Jump Around So many times in our lives, we might be enjoying the company of friends or family, chatting excitedly, eating or drinking. But we might not have the presence of mind to look around and notice those moments in which we are happy. It doesn’t take a...