Episode 415
Comfort is Yours

We might subject ourselves to a lot of unnecessary suffering by trying to help people who have not asked for our help. In the end, we learn the lesson that it’s best to only give advice or other assistance to people who ask for it.
Perhaps spiritual beings are the same. They wait patiently, hoping that we will ask for their help, knowing that they truly can help us, providing the support, comfort and guidance that we need to live at our best.
We might doubt this is true, especially if we don’t believe in God or holy things. Fortunately, this is always available to be tested. All we need to do is say a name of God or any Great Saint, and earnestly request their assistance.
What will happen?
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk to you about this idea that comfort is yours. There is that movie, called Wings of Desire.
I don’t know the title in German, it was later remade in a Hollywood version in a movie with Nicolas Cage called City of Angels. I have only seen the original version, the German version.
I don’t know about the American version but this movie is about angels and in the first half an hour or so of the movie you see angels going around, listening to people’s thoughts. And hearing about all of their preoccupations and their daily events and their struggles.
In their most tender moment the angel would lean in to put a hand on one of these fellow’s shoulders, to show them that there is someone. Siempre hay alguien as it says in latin songs, there is always someone.
Sometimes people say to me “I don’t believe in god, I am a person of science” and I might say “You know, if you are a person of science then surely you believe in experiment so why don’t you try it?”
The next time you are feeling sad, uncomfortable or upset, why don’t you say the name of god? Any name of God? There are many of them, many wonderful beautiful names to choose from. The most gracious, the most high, the most merciful. We could say these things or say the name of the great saints of Jesus Christ, of Buddha, of Yahweh.
Of any one of these great lineages that exist.
Think about someone who you truly respect. Krishna, Shiva, Baba Muktananda, any holy figure and sincerely, earnestly ask to be comforted.
Find out for yourself, do the experiment, the comfort is yours.

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