Episode 407
Crazy Energy

At certain times we might feel different and we’re not sure why. Perhaps we are more anxious, paranoid or excitable than usual, and our mind might start racing to find reasons to justify why we might be feeling that way.
There can be important personal lessons from these feelings. They also might be less personal than we realize.
Often the cause of these feelings is heliophysics or “space weather”. Solar flares affect the magnetism of the earth, and in turn that can affect our central nervous systems. For example, some studies show that there are correlations between high solar activity and human breathing, melatonin levels, and hospital admissions.
We don’t need to blame ourselves for feeling strange. All we need to do is note those changes and adjust our actions accordingly.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
Welcome beautiful thinkers.
This is a beautiful thought this is how your life is already wonderful.
I want to talk to you about dense energy, crazy energy. There’s a lot of it flying around lately.
I’ve been noticing it myself. Sometimes I feel it like a deep stone in my belly, just sitting there like there is something very strange going on.
Other times it circulates through my body and I feel kind of powerful or strong.
There are actually several sides to this energy floating around.
Some people feel really paranoid. There’s a certain disease floating around and worried that its somehow an existential threat to their lives.
There’s all kinds of ways this energy can manifest. I mentioned it to my dear friend Luis Fernando Mises the other day and he said “There’s a change in the Schumann frequency and showed me this unusual chart of some kind of spectrograph of this frequency that is changing.”
If you see the parts on this graph that are green or white that means there are extra energy going around or the frequency is changing.
I don’t claim to entirely understand what that means, something about the resonance of the earth is changing.
There’s also things that happen like solar flares. When Luis mentioned this to me a couple years ago now, I thought that sounded ia bit strange. Is this some astrology thing? Maybe its a little more woo woo. Maybe its a speculative, I don’t know.
So I looked into it and I remember I found this study from Russia talking about the effect on solar flares to admissions to mental hospitals and it turns out its very significant or its highly correlated.
When solar flare activity increases, there are a lot more admissions to mental hospitals with depression, anxiety and other forms of mental disturbance where they need to go seek serious help. These are the kinds of things that can happen.
I also think that this is an opportunity. Every crisis has an opportunity. Like I said these feelings sometimes manifest in me as feelings of strength or power like I can take on the world. Its not easy to ride that line, it is a kind of balance.
Sometimes what I suspect what’s happening is this an extra responsibility of mankind. This extra energy means extra responsibility. With great power comes great responsibility and we don’t always know how to use it at first and like I’ve said before, when we receive a gift sometimes it doesn’t look like a gift.
Sometimes it looks very different than a gift and we have to learn to understand what that gift is.
We have to unwrap the ugly paper to find the treasure that lies within.
Thinking about this there are some important meditations that we can use to balance ourselves during these unusual times.
One really important one, the simpler of the two is to imagine your feet as the Guru’s feet or if you follow Jesus Christ or the buddha, you can imagine your feet as their feet. Or any holy man or any saint or any holy woman or perhaps even a person who you really respect.
Someone you think is an advanced spiritual being. Anyone who is of that class.
Anyone holy.
And you simply imagine your feet as their feet. You might do this in seated meditation but you might also do this while walking and this can help balance or ground you. I don’t know why the feet are such an important thing.
Like when I read Play of Consciousness Muktananda mentions several times about the feet, about holiness of feet or that hymn Jyota Se Jyota Jagao in which it says let us live our whole lives at your feet oh guru.
These sorts of things are very important. I don’t pretend to understand exactly why the feet are so important but I know from my own experience that they are.
Maybe its because the feet are like the lowest part of the guru and that serves as a bridge for us to reach to the Guru’s height of spiritual attainment.
Perhaps its something like that but I don’t really know.
What I do know is if you are walking around imagining your feet as the gurus feet you will feel very grounded and very balanced and it does help.
If your feet can be as the gurus feet then the rest of your body starts to come into alignment with that yourself. So if you have that nervous energy, depression, heaviness in your stomach, solar plexus and neck then its likely to start to flow a bit better.
The other meditation, the more complex is the entire bodily identification with the guru.
So in seated meditation, you can start with the toes and you can go as detailed as you want with this. With the toes, with the feet, perhaps with individual toes.
You say “this toe is the guru’s toe” and then you say “Guru om” and you say this to yourself, you don’t have to say it outloud.
You go through each part of the body going through the feet, calves, thighs, buttox, hip bone, waist, sacrum, solar plexus, lungs, chest, fingers, hands, forearms.
Through the entire body up to the crown saying every part of this body belongs to the guru or your holy teacher. I don’t know how it works, but I know it works and I encourage you to try and find out for yourself.
This is like blessing every part of your body and its also serving to release any bodily identification or bodily pride. So like whatever you have is because of the grace of god, its this kind of intention/
I don’t know how it works. I don’t know why it works and these things are probably beyond our comprehension but they work so please please give it a try if you feel that kind of nervous energy, paranoia, whatever it is give it a try and see what happens. See the heights that you might attain by bringing out the best of these new gifts.

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