Episode 151

Enchanted to Meet You

by | Jan 21, 2021 | short episodes | 0 comments

Sometimes people say there are many more negative emotions than there are positive emotions. Perhaps it’s just because we haven’t yet charted our internal universes, discovering exactly what it is to feel, what colors are available for our emotional paintbrushes.

In Latin America, you might show someone a picture of your pet and they say “que lindo” – “how lovely”, or you ask about their favorite town and they say “es un pueblo muy bonito” – “it’s a very pretty town”. When they say it, you can easily hear in their voice that they are emotional about it.

Perhaps we might call this emotion “enchantment”, just as we sometimes say in English “It’s enchanting to meet you.”

What does it feel like to be enchanted? What enchants you? And can you be more open to being enchanted?

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson


Welcome, welcome everybody to the state of beautifulness. The state of transformative thought, the state of conscious aware awaken, dreaming. Welcome to a beautiful thought.

Some people say that there are more word for negative emotions than positive emotions.

I don’t think that’s true. Or they say there’s seven negative emotions and only 3 positive emotions.

I don’t buy it. From my own exploration what I think is going on just like for example with colors, many years ago…I think it was Homer in the Illiad or the Oddessey described the water of the ocean as being wine colored.

That’s an interesting image to consider. If you ask someone today they will say blue. Or if you ask a child what’s the color of the sky? They’d say it’s colorless. Now we have a name for it, blue.

Observing increasing our intellectual acuity, stepping forward stoned ape theory style into new dimensions of sight.

We also observe our emotions within and many emotions have yet to be explored or named.

I’d like to give you a new emotion today because I find when one feels something for the first time it’s like a door opening, like the first time you get high on cannabis.

Not the analogy I wanted to go with but the first one that comes to mind. The first time someone gets high on cannabis you might say “I’m not high” and they don’t know they’re in a different mindstate because they don’t know what we’re looking for.

Same thing with emotions. We might not know what we are looking for with emotions. We might not be there.

In Latin America, common to here people say this phrase que lindo. Women say it more often.

If you’re in Mexico, ask someone where their favorite place to visit in Mexico? What little towns do you like?

And they’ll start telling you about assdasd or Estación Wadley, Tequila, Tepatitlán, Sayulita, Manzanillo, Mazamitla, San Pancho, Puerto Escondido, San José del Pacífico.

You probably get ten different answers and you ask them to describe the town, what did they like?

They’ll start by telling you Es un pequeño lindo pueblo. It’s a lovely little town.

We don’t often express that in English and you can even here in my tone of voice that it sounds a bit flat.

We might say it again with depth and gravity, it’s a lovely little town.

Now that’s the differnce between being flat as many english speakers might say these things or saying it with feeling or enchantment.

That’s what I’m going with for this new emotion that I have to describe.

So many years ago I went out to clubs with my wingman Adam Bunch, Bunchie. Hes British from a town near Bristol and people would tell him when going to meet women, why don’t you play up the British accent?

It will get women interested and of course everyone likes a fun accent and so he would introduce himself like “I am Adam and I am enchanted to meet you. And of course it’s a bit amusing for Adam.

With a principle from neurolinguistic programming, perhaps Adam actually does feel a little enchanted when he meets someone.

It’s enchanting to meet you and when you feel a little enchanted of course the people around you feel a little enchanted now.

That’s why when we find someone who feels creepy, you don’t want to be around them. You start to feel creepy, you start to feel creeped out. You receive their emotions.

When someone someone feels enchanted to meet you, you will also feel enchanted to meet them.

That’s the power of a great public speaker who works himself up…this is why you have to be careful to exercise discernment because a lot of the time a great public speaker can suck us in to their world and get us to believe something that isn’t true.

Like the media spreading fear, that’s the downside of it. So of course we always must or it’s beneficial for us to exercise discernment but we can spread these emotions and feel enchanted and of course we say this in Spanish, in English we say it’s nice to meet you.

Or we might say it’s nice to meet you, it’s protocol, just protocol.

But where’s the feeling? It’s nice to meet you or it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Un gusto conocerte, encantado conocerte or we even say it’s enchanting to meet you.

I am charmed or enchanted to meet you.

Now how can we feel this in every day life?

I was walking around today in Guadalajara. I love living in Guadalajara as you might know and I saw a sign and it said “Se renta”, an office of 120 meters square.

Why I looked at that I can’t explain. I thought how wonderful, nice lovely that there’s an office for rent that 120 square meters, it’s great. It’s down town but its actually of little consequence to me but it still seemed wonderful in that moment.

Let’s step into that enchantment, let us sing que lindo, how lovely. The feeling behind the worlds.

Of course people in Latin America are more in touch with this feeling. They are more viscerotonic, they know their bodies and emotions more closely than people in English speaking cultures but these things are available to all of us and now that I’ve told you, communicating this gift to you through speech, you also can be enchanted.

SO it’s enchanting to meet you, to have you listen to my podcast.

The other thing I was going to mention is this comparison that might make things a little clearer. What I am trying to communicate here in English.

A lot of people will say the phrase bon appetit. It’s a little funny because it’s not like we speak french, it’s funny to use a french phrase. Perhaps we don’t even think what it means because it’s a phrase and we don’t know the literal meaning of each word.

Good appetite? What’s that?

WE can say, I thought about this when people said to me passing in the street people say “Buen provecho”.

You might say take advantage, take good advantage, eat while you can and enjoy it while food is on the table. Have a good time.

Of course we translate that to enjoy your meal. Now I said to a friend of mine, someone said that in English I might think they poisoned my meal.

I’m a little prejudiced against English in some sense. Enjoy your meal, it’s like a threat.

Or they might just say it flat.

Or what if they say it with feeling, with enchantment?

Enjoy your meal, I wish you pleasure in these moments. I hope you get the most out of these moments and you enjoy this dish and have a good time with it.

I wish you enchantment. I hope you feel that little enchantment, I hope you try to introduce something to your life when you notice something unusual ,maybe you wonder and think about it and just feel a little enchantment starting in your belly going through your chest and fingertips.

Lovely to be enchanted.

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