Episode 95

Free to Choose Good Things

If you have a bad habit or even a compulsion, and you’re trying to leave it behind, many times the inclination is to scold yourself when you have the thought.

Instead, what if you affirm to yourself that you are free to do it if you so choose? Say to yourself that you have the free will to do it or not do it, remind yourself every time that it is a choice.

You might find that allowing yourself the space to have those feelings, the permission to do the thing that you don’t want to do, gives you an opportunity to make a high-quality decision.

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson



Welcome everybody.

The title of today’s talk: free to choose good things.

Now I think most of us are human. Shout out to the lizard people. Most of us have vices, and there are things like one of my biggest vices actually is sugar. Eating ice cream.

And there are others a little darker than that. Some of us in troubled times even abuse drugs like cannabis can lead us down a dark path.

These days addiction to pornography is quite common, sex addiction. Kind of dark. A dark path. One thing I think about, trying to break some of these habits which have been destructive to myself. Careless, sometimes mistreating others around me in service to some kind of addiction, even if it’s a small one. Even if it’s small offenses.

One thing I’ve noticed is that when we do realize we wanna break habits. Sometimes we will go about it by abnigation, self denial. We deny to ourselves that we even want these things. Or we say no to ourselves and shut it out.

So when we do feel that desire or that compulsion we say no to it.

Now this is a funny thing. You don’t actually need to say no to the compulsion.

What you’re doing is not denying, this is one way to do it. There are many paths to becoming more concious. We don’t need to deny the compulsion, feeling or desire.

We can embrace the desire and still choose a wonderful course of action.

So sometimes when we do get those feelings, when I get those feelings I say to myself “I am free to do this.”

Seems kind of counter intuitive, seems very counter intuitive. Then I announce that I am free to do whatever I don’t want to do.

Why is this?

Because I’m not choosing not to do it out of fear, I’m choosing to do it because I know that is what is beneficial for me.

So I say “I am free to do this thing. Eat the ice cream, jerk off..”…..that’s a bit obscene. I am free to do this and that must also mean I am free not to do this.

How wonderful is it we can bring consciousness in our lives in a way to change our habits, change our momentum. Change the part that maybe destiny has laid out for us and express our creative god nature to make something new.

Something that perhaps has never happened, that we’ve never done before in our lives.

We take a new path. We are free to continue on the old path. We are free to forge to blaze a new trail.

How wonderful to do that looking forward to a path of greater happiness, greater love and greater compassion.

Empathy for ourselves and others. That is how we move forward, free to choose good things.

Thank you so much for listening, thank you for exercising consciousness in your daily life. Examining your habits and build new ones.

Have a great day, I will talk to you soon.

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