Episode 238
Heal Now

All of us have some pain from the past, some more than others. And we all have interpretations and beliefs about the world and ourselves that we’ve formed based on those experiences.
It is tempting to think that we cannot heal these things right now, that it might take years of therapy to overcome them, or that we just can never heal and we will always be as we are.
We might attempt to pull on a thread of our past, seeing where it leads, tracing back and attempting to find the true cause of the pain. Many times when we reach the end of a thread, it is tied to another thread which we follow – or the mere end of the thread gives us no greater understanding.
Past events happened to us, and they were very real. But now what might be present with us is the pain, our thoughts and beliefs. Being present with the pain, we can heal it and let it go. Being conscious with our thoughts and beliefs, we can replace them, or simply allow our mind to be clear.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk about healing now.
I was thinking about lyrics from great songwriter Darwin Grajales coming from Columbia and he says this:
No tienes que irte a buscar hacia atrás
Ni encarar tantas causas para poder sanar
Tan solo dí ‘gracias.’ ‘perdón y ‘lo siento’
‘Te amo’ y vuelve a empezar
So let me give you a translation. You don’t have to go back and looking behind you, you don’t have to confront so many causes. You don’t need to figure out the cause of all your worries in order to be able to heal.
One just needs to say thank you, I’m sorry. Forgive me, I love you, I appreciate you and begin again.
So many times people have the concept they say “I can’t change this habit because of this story” and they might talk about something that happened during their childhood. So many patterns, perhaps even of use or just unconscious ignorant behavior on behalf of their parents. We might think that its such an engrained pattern so we can’t just let go of it.
So much healing I need to do in order to get over that pattern. Surely it will take years of therapy to get over it and Darwin has a different idea. He says we don’t need to spend a lot of time trying to think and sort out all of the causes. Pick apart the threads and see which thread leads where because you know when you pull a thread its not like you get to the end and suddenly understand everything.
No it’s just the end of the thread or the thread ties into another thread and you’ll just be following the thread as far as it goes until you unravel the whole tapestry and nothing necessarily makes any more sense.
Some people have success with methods such as psychoanalysis. I don’t want to discount that really, its very fascinating stuff.
But on the other hand we don’t need to understand everything or even ourselves in order to change thought patterns, beliefs, interpretations of current events.
So when things happen to us in the past we have certain interpretations often and we form beliefs around them.
Now the beliefs and interpretations are what stay with us perhaps more than the memories.
Today, now in this moment we can look at those beliefs, interpretations. The ones that are still with us and do they hold up? Are these patterns healthy for us?
Are they enlightening? Do they empower us? Do they shine a light? Are they true, accurate?
Is there evidence to the contrary?
What is the benefit? Or the payoff of these beliefs and interpretations? What is the cost?
Some hours, to go through them sometimes. Or maybe not. Maybe it just takes a moment of presence to decide, to say as in Ho’oponopono and as in the lyrics, just say I am sorry please forgive me, thank you, I appreciate you. We go through that process and find suddenly our life feels a lot lighter.
So much energy has been liberated, we had so much energy in our belly or our heart and now it is free. The energy can move through us. Now we expose that inner light, just like that interview I did with Aryan dada where he talked about gaining confidence with being a track runner and getting into alignment with his inner self.
He felt like a light was just shining out of him. And that’s how we can feel right now, we can be healed now. As Echart Tolle says “You can’t heal in the future, you can’t heal in the past. No, time for healing must be now. A lot of people say time heals all wounds, not entirely correct. What heals them is presence and that is available now.”
Thank you for healing now.

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