Episode 135
Integrate the Lessons
On this podcast, we talk about so many interesting techniques to calm the emotions or feel good about ourselves. For example, practicing mindfulness, savoring the moment, wrapping our cringey memories in love, thanking them and sending them to source.
Practicing any of these techniques consistently reveals the greater truth behind them. Integrating the lessons, making them a part of our beings, will make us great.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk about integrating the lessons
Integrate means to make something whole so if you were to really integrate a lesson you would actually become a part of your integrity, a part of your wholeness, a part of you that was experienced in every action in every moment in every thought.
I was listening back to a previous episode talking about how to get over cringey memories, using this technique where we wrap the memory in love and say thank you and send it back to source.
I thought about that, I used that technique over the last few days a lot investigating my own memories and things I haven’t quite let go of yet.
I thought today walking towards my yoga class that I can do that for my memories…why don’t I do that with everything? With just every experience?
Not just things from the past but things from my present which might be uncomfortable. I could be really great in that and I also thought about a long time ago…I’ve told this story about having the revelation that if I have a few good habits, if I just keep improving one day I will be excellent.
Excellence is just a few good habits and time. That’s the equation. Anybody can follow it and I think if we take any one of these lessons, any one of these things that I’m talking about. Like about presence, or savoring the moment. Enjoying things, feeling the sensations within your body. Any one of these things if we take it and practice it every day, we will be great.
It doesn’t necessarily take a lot. If we practice introspection of course. If we ask ourselves when we’re happy, why am I happy? What has changed within me today? What makes today so special what makes this moment so special? What are the conditions?
If we practice discernment, keep asking these questions, not in a cold detatched way. But in a warm loving way and wondering, how can we integrate these lesson?
I think we can do this, I don’t think it takes a lot. I don’t think it’s beyond us as humans.
As I said before about sainthood, maybe sainthood is when a person has the impulse to good and acts on it consistently. Consistency is key to integration.
We do something every day and begin to practice as often as we can. We make every moment a prayer, treat it as special because of course this moment will not be repeated and whatever you’re experiencing right now is a journey that is just for you.
Made especially for you so you can enjoy in this moment. Imagine if we maintain the awareness of any of these perspectives and stay with it consistently then we would surely life a holy beautiful life filled with happiness.
Let us integrate the lessons.
Thank you, have a wonderful day.
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