Episode 417
Jump Up and Over

Perhaps the power of the present is more than the sum of the past. Perhaps we don’t need to understand all of the causes of a thing to let it go. Perhaps we just need to take a leap of faith.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I have a friend here in Guadalajara. My friend who is a very kind person, María Teresa but we just call her Maritere.
And sometimes I stop by the cafe and have lunch and have a chat with her and we talk about all kinds of fanciful and wonderful things. You know I appreciate her company and sometimes she asks me questions about coaching or aspects of her life.
I give her some suggestions of what she might do or ask her some questions which will reveal a different perspective.
Ask her to write about this in her journal, offer a structure of journaling so she can explore her ideas and emotions and find new levels of self awareness and self knowledge.
It’s wonderful, its cool I have studied this a little and I have the skills to help people like this. One day I went to the Cafe and Maritere told me about a dream she had. What happened in her dream was she was tying to get over a gully in like a forest or something like this.
I was with her, leading the way and I show her and all of sudden she realizes I am on the other side of the gully.
I am waving at her, saving hey just jump. You don’t have to step over every rock, step over little pieces of the creek and figure out how to get where you are going.
Just jump, jump right over to the other side of the gully.
And I forget how the dream ended, I think she did indeed jump.
I said to her that is really interesting and beautiful. It reveals to us this great truth.
So many times we think that we have to plan to understand every part of our problem. We have to know every element every detail in order to get over it.
Its much like Darwin Grajales wrote in that song, he says to us:
No tienes que irte
A buscar hacia atrás
Ni encarar tantas causas
Para poder sanar
Tan solo di gracias
Perdón y lo siento
Te amo
Y vuelve a empezar
Okay let me try to go back and translate that.
You don’t have to go looking back, trying to understand all the causes of things in order to be able to heal.
Simply say thank you, forgive me, and I’m sorry and I love you.
And begin again.
That’s what Darwin Grajales said to us. The point of this is sometimes we might go into this idea that we need to understand everything about our past in order to heal.
Sometimes it is true, but sometimes it isn’t. Many times it isn’t. Many times all we have to do is understand a few elements of where we are right now and move forward with that level of knowledge.
We don’t have to understand everything just find the key things, the key questions.
What am I feeling right now? What do I believe that causes me to feel this? How could I see this in a different way?
When we ask questions like this a lot of the time we can make that jump. We move forward, make an action plan.
We jump up and we jump over.

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