Episode 412
Make a Difference

Starting a project, you might dare to imagine what the fruits might taste like. Perhaps your friends will be congratulating you on doing something amazing. Perhaps your followers will approach you and thank you for what you have achieved.
When you begin, those things might seem distant. At the same time, they might seem so palpable that you can reach out and touch them.
The world is waiting for you to speak your piece. The hills will awaken and the clouds will delight, when you pick up a pen and begin to make a difference.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk to you about making a difference.
When I started this project I thought about it a lot and I prayed and visualized and imagined these scenes where for example speaking at a conference and someone would come up to be and shake my hand and say “Look your work has made so much of a difference in my life” and I would say to them, “Thank you, I appreciate that comment so much” and you made the difference because you took these ideas and ran with them.
You are the one who applied them so you are the one who really put in the work to make that difference.
Now people do send send me messages and they tell me this episode made a difference in the way I perceived things because when I faced a stressful situation the following week I could put it into context because of what you told me and now my quality of life has been improved because of the words and concepts that you put out there.
These little things, these little seeds that I am planting out there to make a difference to help people see the world.
They can use their imaginations to falter their beliefs and their assumptions and they can be powerful within themselves and they can achieve inner success very quickly in fact.
I want to tell you this because I think there’s a lot of pressure out there within us or without us that wants to feel like we are powerless, like we can’t make a difference. We are born in the wrong place and don’t have the resources. We are too traumatized or whatever it is.
There are all kinds of reasons, and some of them are good reasons, to believe that we can’t make a difference. That we are powerless, shut down.
That the avenues are just going to close down on us, the doors are going to shut.
It’s not true. From my heart I tell you, I affirm and I state it is not true.
You are powerful, you can make a difference.
Whatever limited resources that you have if you can afford a single pencil then you can start to write.
If you sleep then you might have a chance to dream.
Whatever your resources are, whatever walk of life, wherever you are even if you are locked up. Even if they keep you in a cell, you have the choice.
How you are going to affect yourself and how you are going to affect others around you.
This is no joke.
And these are not trivial things. You are in a world, you are in a success. This matters so much. The example that you set for others, its powerful.
I am not special.
I am not anymore special then you are. I am not different and I know in my heart that you just as well as I can begin to make a difference in your inner world, in your outer world. In the worlds of others. This quote attributed Lao-Tzu when I heard it in a song.
Where there is music in your soul the whole universe hears it. Believe that.

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