Episode 214
The Creative Spirit Within

There are certain forces in this world that would love to have you be stagnant… To stay the same, to not grow, to live out your life predictably so they can predictably get money from you
You are so much more than the expectations of you, of whatever person or whatever system. You’re not a cog in a machine… You are an organic form constantly changing, undefined and perhaps indefinable.
How many times has it happened… You thought for sure you would never be able to learn a skill, you put limits on yourself. A few years later, you find yourself doing that very thing you believed you never could
When will you put it together? There are no limits for you.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk about the creative spirit within you. Just coming off with that title, I don’t know what to call this.
I wrote this down in my Google Keep, my little notebook app and this is what it says:
There are certain forces in this world that would love to have you be stagnant… To stay the same, to not grow, to live out your life predictably so they can predictably get money from you
You are so much more than the expectations of you, of whatever person or whatever system. You’re not a cog in a machine… You are an organic form constantly changing, undefined and perhaps indefinable.
How many times has it happened… You thought for sure you would never be able to learn a skill, you put limits on yourself. A few years later, you find yourself doing that very thing you believed you never could
When will you put it together… There are no limits for you
There are no limits for you.
This makes me think of Napoleon hill when he wrote “whatever human mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Yes of course I’ve had that experience of believing I could not. For example when I was learning to be a rapper I thought when I was 16 or 17 I thought I would never be able to improvise or freestyle and could hold my own and people enjoyed it. When I’d come up with something on the spot they’d be entertained by it and enjoy the vibe and the creativity.
How much more can we achieve? I really don’t know. I don’t think it’s worth putting limits on ourselves like we won’t be able to rise off the seat where we sit to find the law of gravity. I don’t think it’s worth putting that limit on it. I don’t know how far or how deep how bizarre our experiences might be. I don’t know if we can change the world in an instant, an ethical and moral way that involves the cooperation of all beings, I don’t know.
That’s the mystery we dive into. I think about sometimes when I was about 5 years old in kindergarten and there was an exercise like the letter Q for queen and I have to draw the queen. I made a mistake and put the queen in the r box or something.
I was so upset like no how could I have made this mistake?
And the teacher comes over and is like “here’s an eraser, you can use it.
Things are so simple. How many things do we still see as children? How many things when we are grown will we simply put alone? Like Corinthians, How many things our beliefs that things were so important and so impossible and set so many aside to be what we are today. How many have we yet to set aside?
Now we move those things aside and move into the future boldly diving into the mystery of being and exploring our world and ourselves and finding that there is more and more that we can do. Inspiring others and showing them a path and creating levels of discipline ourselves and transforming our minds bodies and spirits.
I don’t know where we will end up. Probably somewhere cool.
Thank you for letting go of limiting beliefs. Thank you for reflecting on your experience to see how many of those limiting beliefs are just illusions. Thank you for moving boldly into the future.

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