Episode 67
The Grand Confusion
The world is changing, with more restrictions, perhaps more fear than ever… People worrying or taking precautions against an invisible enemy.
Everyone seems to have their own take on novel coronavirus, and with so much misinformation and disinformation it seems like it might even be deliberate, as a form of strange propaganda.
Without knowing who or what to believe, people all over the world are wrapped up in confusion, and uncertainty about their lives, and how these factors will continue to affect them in coming years.
In this episode, Kurt explains a couple of mental tools that you can use to distance yourself from events, looking at current events more as historical facts, and seeing how they might take shape in the future.
Kurt talks about the Hegelian Dialect, a formula which describes the changes in ideas over time in societies in three stages – thesis, antithesis and synthesis. He also describes how there are different ways to look at what is happening – perhaps it’s good, perhaps it’s bad, perhaps it’s neither good nor bad, just a necessary part in a story.
Then he discusses how strange things are happening more than ever, in terms of personal spiritual experiences – increased synchronicities, a case of a man observing his own ego as separate to him, psychedelic panic attacks, and unusual dreams. Could this be an important turning point in history, predicted by astrology as the Age of Aquarius, the clicking over of the Mayan calendar, or the works of Brazilian mystic Chico Xavier?
![Copy of Confusion (1)](https://beautifulpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Copy-of-Confusion-1.jpg)
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