Episode 220

The World is Not Broken

Abraham Hicks told us: “All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life.”

Many times we might get caught in the trap of trying to convince others, getting into arguments over the Internet – which will surely lead us to frustration. We might even protest on parliament steps in order to get some recognition for an important issue.

These efforts may be noble in that we are trying to change the world for the better, but often we might find they are futile. We are merely giving attention to the things we despise.

Perhaps instead we can dedicate ourselves to creation and expression. With your unique life and your unique experiences, you have something to offer that nobody else does.

All you need do is speak, with that clear voice that comes from deep within, saying those things that you might even tremble to say. You might find that people have been waiting to hear it.

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson


Welcome beautiful thinkers.

I think a lot about this phrase that I heard in some of these recordings from Abraham Hicks, this curious being supposedly this channeled being of the words of Esther Hicks.

Concepts from another galaxy or dimension beamed down to earth so we can enjoy their wisdom. Wisdom of Abraham Hicks in one of these symposiums he says to one of the audience members “you don’t need to fix the world because its not broken.”

Your responsibility or your opportunity here on earth is simply to give the highest expression of yourself, that’s all you have to do. I think about this a lot in terms of activism or when I would argue with people on the internet trying to convince or persuade or make them understand.

You can’t make someone understand something they have to be willing to see it.

So it doesn’t really matter if you try to convince someone, it’s somewhat irrelevant in a sense.

I know a lot of people like doing these forms of activism like protests or even music in public as a kind of expression or putting up stickers or whatever to change other peoples minds.

Maybe there’s a better way and we don’t have to do those sorts of things to try to persuade people. Maybe all we need to do is express ourselves as Abraham said. So what’s in you?

I do remember a lot of the time posting on Steemit. Steemit is this social media platform, one of the first crypto platforms. One thing that was really cool about it is because on Facebook people kind of have an incentive to go with their nastier nature and say meaner things.

They don’t have a decent center for doing that and they are kind of anonymous on the internet so sometimes the worst part comes out.

But with Steemit there was a permanent record so we know these things are going to be on the blockchain for a long time. And they also knew that they could be rewarded for their comments so people would pause and think because they could be worth 5-100 dollars to them in some cases. I would also pause before making these comments.

Sometimes people would make nasty or critical comments and I thought “How can I make this into something expressive, do something creative with the bee they put in my bonnet?”

So I would try to think of the issue they brought up in the comment and maybe even create a video about thinking about it. Not in a way to react but to respond or transforming the kind of energy I got and redirecting it into something that is my own, potent and expressive.

I think we all have the options to do this just as Tony Robbins talks about not reacting but responding and coming up with something creative in the moment and bringing back that highest part of ourselves.

Of course when it comes down to it if we all really try to persuade people it ends up being the thing to persuade people. It’s new, fresh. It isn’t this tired old argument just a logical analysis or criticism. It’s not reductionism, not breaking down what has come before.

Its showing something new, something special probably no one else in the world can give. Your unique gifts coming out ready to be shared.

Who cares about convincing people? Maybe we all do on some level. Is that really our highest purpose trying to convince somebody? Or making something or showing something that has never been shown before just as Paul Newman says in the Hustler “Make moves no one has made before. Play the game no one has every played before.”

That pure part of ourselves that flow, that exceptional expressionism, that wonderful art that comes from our hearts that fineness emerging from the void. Emerging from that world of possibilities, to manifest and be real.

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