Episode 36
To Rewrite the Past

Going back through your life, you might find you have many regrets. Perhaps your biggest regrets were about not spending time with your friends and family. Perhaps they were about not being kind enough. Maybe they were about not telling people how much you care.
In this episode, Kurt tells a story about trying to date a woman, then playing games to make her jealous under the impression that it would keep her interested, and sending her a message years later to tell her that he always cared for her and wished her well. Maybe we can’t change the past, but we can go back and show people that the world is kinder than they believed it was.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I’d like to talk to you about rewriting the past. As far as I know it’s not literally possible to rewrite the past but a lot of the time our perspective about things is more important than the things themselves.
So changing our perspective and other people’s perspective on the past in a sense is rewriting the past.
There are a couple of things I regret in my life. There’s two main things: the first thing is I wish I’d been more kind as a consistent trend or thing among my regrets. The other one was I wish I told people more how much I cared about them, how I truly felt about them.
Many years ago, maybe 15 years ago or 13 years ago I had this sort of relationship with a young lady and perhaps….I was very immature and for that reason I put up a lot of barriers.
I tried to play games because I wanted her to like me. I thought that was what was necessary. In response she also played a lot of games with me. And she did a lot of strange things that I didn’t understand. I won’t go into too much detail but I cared for her. It didn’t matter her flaws, it didn’t matter to me.
I liked her a lot but because I was so wrapped up in playing games I never told her. I didn’t tell her then. Years later actually it was a bit strange. I found out part of the reason for her unusual behavior was the fact that she had a degenerative brain disease.
It never even occurred to me which is a lesson in itself. You never really know what someone is going through. If their behavior seems a bit senseless or disrespectful or whatever maybe there’s a complete other reason that you have no idea about.
It’s not easy to withhold judgment from people but its something we can always keep in mind. Anyway, many years later. Perhaps a year ago I sent this young lady a message and I told her for whatever reason back then I never knew how to express how I felt. But I always felt deeply for you, I always cared for you. And I hope things work out for you. I hope you find happiness, I hope you have health and peace in your life.
Moreover, I hope whatever you go through was worth it. Yes I cared for you, I always cared for you.
Maybe the next day she sent me a message back saying “I never knew, I never had any idea you felt like that.”
It was really interesting because I didn’t realize that I had that kind of power. I didn’t realize that I could go back in time and change their whole perspective. To create a past that’s more loving. To show them the world is a kinder place than they realized.
You too have that power. Even if you never said how you felt in the moment, go back and tell yourself, go back and tell others. Yeah perhaps it’s more important for yourself.
You’re looking back in your past in your own memories and those times that you were confused and you didn’t know how to make sense of situations. You can show yourself that love in the past.
Yes. You can rewrite the past and rewrite it with love, with big bold illuminated letters that show “Things are better than you thought, better than you expected, better than you could have hoped or imagined.”
Rewrite the past. Thank you for listening, thank you for thinking beautifully. Thank you for showing yourself compassion and showing compassion to others and illustrating the wonder through your actions.
Have a great day and I’ll talk to you soon.

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