Episode 410
Trust the Process

When a caterpillar perches itself on a tree and starts enveloping itself in goo in order to enter its chrysalis, it doesn’t stop to think.
If that caterpillar had the ability to cognize as a human does, it would be shocked to see what it was doing. It might find its own behavior extremely puzzling, having never seen such a thing before.
Likewise, when we go through puberty we might be alarmed, and we have to ask our parents to understand what is going on with our bodies.
If humans were going through a spiritual transformation, we might not understand it intellectually. Just like the caterpillar, we don’t have to.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
This is a beautiful thought, this is how your life is already wonderful.
I was thinking about the idea of trusting in the process.
If you imagine a caterpillar crawling alone. One day like magic this caterpillar knows its time to start forming a Chrysalis and maybe gathers a few sticks and starts producing whatever that substance is that forms into a crust around it and put it into this deep meditative state.
I don’t imagine caterpillars have a lot of intellectual ability and they don’t necessarily need it, all they have to do is follow their instincts, follow their intuition and their deepest drives.
Maybe if the caterpillar had the ability go cognize about this would they would be saying to themselves “What is happening to me? This isn’t normal. This has never happened to me before in my life, this is highly unusual. Perhaps its even cataclysmic.
If you can imagine as a human you might remember that book What is Happening to Me?
Of course our parents gave us that book when we were going through puberty, we didn’t have some kind of guide on the changes that are happening to us because it would be very confusing.
Because again these occurrences are highly unusual, unprecedented in our short lives.
But the caterpillar doesn’t have to worry about that because he doesn’t have the ability to think these things through.
Or the expectation that things will be the same as they once were. That is most uniquely a human trait when we project into the future and create expectations.
Maybe not purely human but its something that makes us up.
Now maybe there are times when we don’t need to engage that expectation ability, we don’t need to think into the future and think about our trajectory. Where we are going and where we have been and say “This is strange, this is curious.”
Maybe we even start freaking out because of the transformation we are undergoing.
Now I think there are a lot of people going through these processes spiritual or otherwise reaching different aspects of their life or different stages of their life and they don’t necessarily know what is happening to them because we didn’t get that book from our parents about What is Happening to me as I enter the Age of Aquarius or something like that.
Im joking but its also kind of serious. We are experiencing these strange transformations within ourself but we don’t have the guidance on the subject to know exactly what is happening.
And we don’t need to know exactly what is happening. Just like with the caterpillar we put our trust in the process. If you are a religious or theistic person you would say that as I mentioned in a previous episode, put thy trust in Allah because Allah is efficient in disposing of affairs.
Now we can actually allow these things to exist, whatever is going on in your body, soul, spirit and emotions.
You can take a step back and allow them the space they need to undergo the process.
Just as the caterpillar does when he enters his Chrysalis, just allowing the natural process to take over. Allowing these things and allowing ourselves to come out a Butterfly.
Thank you for trusting that process.

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