Episode 1
Welcome to A Beautiful Thought

Welcome to the introductory episode of A Beautiful Thought with your host Kurt!
A Beautiful Thought is a project where Kurt intends to help others to increase happiness within their lives. This is done both mainly through the means of sharing personal experiences. Who is Kurt? Why is he of all people qualified to talk about happiness? What’s the true goal of this podcast? What should you expect? Join us on this first episode to find out the answers to these questions and more!
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
Welcome travelers and seekers, wanderers and mystics. Welcome to you. Welcome to a beautiful thought.
I want to tell you what I’m trying to do with this podcast and why I establish myself as someone credible to talk about happiness.
The reason I am doing this is because I like being happy. I think a lot of people out there could stand to be more happy. I think I can provide some insight on how to do that.
As difficult as trying to establish myself as or establish anybody as somebody credible to talk about happiness, I’ll try to do that. So you have some idea of why to trust me or at least why you should listen to me in the first place.
A few years ago I went to Thailand and I went to a temple (Thamkrabok) and I practiced meditation there with a friend of mine who prefers to go unnamed. And every day he would teach us a different meditation technique.
In those days it really opened my eyes to what meditation can be. Before then I had this very fixed idea. Even though I had practiced meditation in some form on and off for years, I learned a lot through thous experiences. And I learned…or I started to learn how to look at my own mind.
Later I took this retreat or this shaktipat session. Or shaktipat…yeah like a one day retreat with the Siddha Yoga School.
And after that I thought “Okay, I guess I’m going to put these techniques into practice or explore what this could mean.” To explore my own being and ask myself “is anyone in there?” And trying to use it to become more happy.
And so I went to Portugal for a month or a month and a half. I went out to a cottage in the middle of nowhere in this town of about 50 people called Cava in Castelo Branco.
And I’m trying to sit there, eventually I was sitting there for around 6 hours a day meditating on happiness and trying to figure out what was going wrong within me. And how I could be more consistently happy.
Since then I just keep learning more and more. Like I said it’s difficult to establish myself with credibility on this subject. My credibility is that I’ve looked inside. That’s the only credibility that I can give you.
So I want to tell people about what’s going on inside and about the nature of sadness and the nature of happiness. My intention with with this podcast is to tell people about things they can notice in their lives that are already wonderful. Hence the tagline “How Your Life is Already Wonderful”.
So in a sense meditation is directed attention. My goal is to direct your attention towards certain parts of your experience so you can see which ones are perhaps more worthy of your attention. The ones that are going to help you provide this lubricant that will let you slide right into joy.
That’s the highest ideal of what I’m trying to do here. So I hope you’re gonna come along with me.
At the same time I’m going to be releasing interviews. So here’s the schedule. Monday through Friday 3pm Mexican Time. Monday through Thursday I’ll release short episodes like 5-10 minutes telling you something you can focus on. All this little provocation, something you can meditate on to bring out something wonderful in your life.
On Friday, every Friday, I’ll be releasing interview episodes. The idea with these is I talk to somebody and ask about their struggle and try to reveal the hero’s journey that they’ve gone through. So for example one of the first ones that I’m going to put out with my buddy Luis Fernando Mises who is the Shaman with Gunz. A man with a lot of spiritual experience conducting ceremonies and other things. Also a man who has a great positive spirit and ask him about his struggle moving to the United States and his struggle from his Dad dying…and what he learned from it.
With a hero’s journey of course this person goes through this struggle. Eventually they emerge from the cave with an elixir which is something valuable to them and also valuable to society which actually has the potential to transform both themselves and society.
So that is what I’m trying to achieve here to try to increase the net amount of happiness in the world.
So I hope you’ll come along with me. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I’ll talk to you soon.

New Episodes Every Weekday
11am Mexico City time
10 min episodes Monday - Thursday
1 h interview episode on Fridays
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