Episode 29
What is Magical Now?

In Eddie Murphy’s “Raw”, he tells the story about wanting to get hamburgers from McDonalds, but instead getting his mother’s homemade burgers – a big ball of greasy fried meat with peppers poking out at every angle. As a child, he’s disappointed, but as an adult he loves to get mama’s burgers at every opportunity.
Sometimes there are many things around us to which we might feel indifferent, or even annoyed. Months or years later when we reflect, we might miss those things, feeling nostalgia or yearning.
Instead, we can notice the little magical things around us now, and appreciate them now.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
One, two, three in the place to be just for you Kurt Robinson M.C.
Welcome, welcome beautiful thinkers, welcome with great love. With great respect I welcome you with all my heart.
I wanna ask you this question. What is magical now?
Some of you might know I used to live in Mexico for about 3 years. I like to say Mexico is a portal to another world. It’s kind of funny to say that because I don’t mean it metaphorically.
I mean it very literally and I don’t even know exactly what I mean when I say that. But people like to call it “México Mágico”. Magical Mexico and I think it’s true.
I used to live in this neighborhood in Guadalajara called Santa Tere or Santa Teresita and it’s actually so nice that there’s a band that wrote a song about it that you can check it out on YouTube.
I remember every day I used to go down to this little cocina económica, a little family kitchen, and I’d order some chilaquiles.
If you don’t know what chilaquiles are, they’re like breakfast nachos. You get some tortillas and cut them up and fry them. Then you fry them with salsa so they’re a little bit crunchy and soggy at the same time.
Put some refried beans on the side and a couple of eggs. Put some chopped up onion, sour cream and cheese on top.
They’d make some coffee. It’s just made in a pot on the stove, they put cinnamon in the coffee so it’s sweet even without sugar.
I miss those chilaquiles. And here’s the thing a lot of the time you miss things after they happen. You feel nostalgia after things happen.
You might say “Oh well that’s the definition of nostalgia”, but what if you could feel how great it was in that moment? You might remember from Eddie Murphy’s Raw where he talks about walking past McDonalds or driving past McDonalds and being like “Mom can we go get McDonalds?”
And her being like “Oh, we don’t need McDonalds, we got food at home.” They get to the house and Mama starts cooking up some hamburgers and he says “Peppers sticking out the side of the burger and everything; it looks like a kinda hot mess”
But later on in life he’s like “I need some of those Mama’s burgers. I really need one of those right now.”
So that’s the question. What is magical now? What things about your life, maybe you don’t notice them that much or think they’re that special, but when they’re gone you might miss them?
So you can appreciate them now, be grateful for them now.
Here in Paraguay a lot of time when you go to a restaurant they’ll ask you what do you want? Do you want bread or mandioca. Or that is yucca which is a root vegetable like sweet potato but not so sweet.
It’s kind of a humble root vegetable. It doesn’t have a lot of flavor but if you put it on the side of a dish somehow it just evens everything out. And I’ll probably miss yucca or mandioca when I don’t have it readily available.
That’s the question for you, what is magical now? What is maybe a part of your daily routine or weekly routine? Something about the way the light hits in your office or when it’s 6:30 and you get into your office early and the sun is already rising over Melbourne and you look out over the cityscape and just say “Wow, it’s a beautiful day.”
What is magical now, for you? That’s your homework.
I’d love it if you were to think about that. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for thinking beautifully. Thank you for opening your eyes a little bit and noticing the nice things that life has to offer.
I’ll talk to you soon.

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