Episode 127
What’s Inside You

Sometimes we focus so much on what’s going on around us… we forget to have a look at what’s going on inside us.
Maybe there’s a lot going on, feelings of energy, electricity, warmth… Some kind of subtle happiness that stays with us.
By directing our attention inwards, we can become more directly aware of our emotions, being conscious in our disturbed moments, and going deep into our peaceful moments. Whatever we find, by going inside, we are almost certain to find a different aspect of it – something softer and sweeter.
What’s inside you, right now?
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
So we might not notice a lot of the time our attention is focused on the outside, things that are going on around us. Sunshine, trees, television, coworkers and friends, our desk, our computer.
What is going on inside us right now?
I asked “Have you tried mindfulness meditation?”
She was like “Whats that” and she said she knew some similar techniques that are sometimes recommended in therapy like grounding, when you count five things around you.
What about this? What if you look inside right now? Feel whats in your solar plexus?
And she said “Oh, that’s weird.”
Interesting, it’s like we’re so alienated from our own bodies when we turn our attention inward it feels strange, almost foreign.
But this is an opportunity that is available in every waking moment and perhaps when you get good at it you can do it when you’re asleep as well, I’ve heard of that happening.
So what if you turn your attention into your toes or just let the sensations that are in your toes arise in your consciousness. At first you might feel the tenseness of texture, the texture of socks against your toes.
Eventually you might feel something inside of you.
What is inside you?
It’s interesting, it’s intriguing, maybe even a little chaotic sometimes. Maybe a feeling of energy, excitement, alive inside of your being.
You move through the different parts of your body through your feet, calves, thighs. You start to feel also a sort of warmth, what is that?
Is it just the warmth of blood and muscles, of your very being, soul and character? Maybe.
And in your buttocks, and in your belly and you breathe in deeply and feel the air and blood surge into your belly.
Maybe you can even feel those veins pulsing into your belly through your arms. Maybe you will even feel your heart beating inside you. What is inside you? What is within you? What’s going on in there?
It’s a bit of a mystery and you don’t have to smash the door down to find out, it’s right there for you in the instant that you turn your attention within.
At the solar plexus, especially. It’s interesting, it’s intriguing. The solar plexus a lot of the time if I am anxious I feel it in my solar plexus. Nerves within my kidneys on either side of my torso. But if I feel excited I also feel it in my solar plexus.
Maybe there’s a little excitement in there now a little star beaming up in your solar plexus. What is inside you? Inside your shoulders, your neck, your head, the top of your crown?
What is in there? I invite you to find out for yourself. If you’re interested in this kind of exercise, the master work, I highly recommend Echart Tolle’s Practicing the Power of Now, the audio book version so you can hear the peace and calmness in his voice. I recommend that audio book.
Thanks for listening, thanks for having a little look inside you to see what’s going on.
Maybe it’s something beautiful, have a nice day.

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