Welcome to a Beautiful Thought. Welcome Beautiful Thinkers to an opportunity to change your mind. To start to see the miracles in every day life.
I want to give you a backstory so you can understand where I am coming from and what I’m trying to achieve with this podcast.
So you can come along with me on the journey. I want to talk about my personal story.
Lets start about 10 years ago. I was enrolling in this course, its not the standard academic fare.
It’s actually a course with a company named Real Social Dynamics which is an organization which helps men achieve success with women and increase their confidence.
Now I remember I saved up for many months and worked hard knocking on doors selling electricity plans. Finally got the money put the cost, went to Sydney to embark on this journey.
Now I remember they asked me what is it I want to get out of this course and I suppose there must be a lot of people that they take this and they write down something like “Stripper threesome bro” or actually what a lot of men will write is: “Actually what I want is a girlfriend. Somebody who loves me, somebody to love.
A lot of people think that pickup artists are just out to get laid or something like that. It really starts from a softer kind of place than you might imagine. That’s not what I wrote, I wrote: “I want rockstar confidence. I want to be able to express myself freely.”
You know I really relate, it’s a bit strange, there’s a scene from the Last Temptation of Christ and Willemm Dafoe is portraying our great teacher Jesus of Nazareth. And somebody asks “well why aren’t you a better jew?” And Jesus says “well the scriptures say that we’re supposed to tell the truth. I never tell the truth, I don’t have the courage.”
He knew that there was something so wonderful inside of him and he always wanted to get it out but he just didn’t have the strength of character to do it in those moments. He had to undergo his own personal journey.
That’s how I felt. I knew I had something beautiful within me and I wanted to share it in the world but I didn’t have the confidence. And I couldn’t be honest. I knew if I gained confidence then I would be honest.
I went through a lot of ordeals and I guess did some things I’m not proud of. And some things I definitely won’t mention today. Then I went on a spiritual journey and I sought truth in many different ways.
I’ve read religious texts. Actually I’ve been reading since I was about 15 years old or even younger, trying to capture the ancient wisdom. Also finally when I was about 31 years old I decided to embark on the shamanic journey and take substances such as ayahuasca, sacred medicine to try and get in contact with a deeper part of myself.
I’ve had to face my fears. I had to take that courage that I mentioned to even arrive at the ceremony. To have that courage to confront parts of myself and ask questions which were difficult and have difficult conversations to open up the free flow of love. I also went to see my friend who was a monk in Wat Tham Krabok in the province of Saraburi Thailand. I stayed there for a month and every day he showed us a new technique.
While I had meditated on and off for years I will say that was the time where I really started to understand how broad and how great meditation is. A couple of months ago I took the call to adventure again, to go into the cave of wonder. My friend in Santiago de Chile asked me about taking ayahuasca and so we went to Pirque which is a rural area just at the end of the train tracks and a little bit further in Santiago.
And I thought about it. I was going there primarily to comfort my friend and accompany her but I never want to take an ayahuasca journey without thinking about how it’s going to affect me or what are the deeper questions that I want to learn?
So again I wrote down some words but this time they’re a bit different. I wrote down “I want to be a love rockstar.” So I want to have a heart, force of love so irrepressible so that it’s an example to others. It lights their fire. It lights their light, with my light. That’s what I wanted to do.
And I remember getting deep into the journey there were some tribulations, I had to let go of my ego and with the kind and patient guidance of the people with their psychological training managed to liberate me and also with the help of some substance such as rapé which is a blend of tobacco and other herbs taken through the nose and it instantly clears your mind.
I took the journey and I saw many wonderful things. Grandmother ayahuasca told me that in any moment I can experience whatever I want simply as walking into another room. So it’s a lesson something about the creative manifestation or how imagination creates the world.
Finally I asked “but what about my purpose” of being a “love rockstar”? And this deeper part of my mind responded with a joke saying “I am that”. Some of you might get that joke but as in so many wonderful movies and stories, the point was the magic was in me all along.
What I wanted to be I had already become. All I had to do was reveal that lantern which for some reason I had covered up on the coffee table. Take the blanket off the lantern and shine the light so I can illuminate in every corner of the salon. And that is what I intend to do with this podcast.
So I have taken the call to adventure, go off into the cave of wonder and I have emerged with an elixir. Now I don’t claim that its a panacea but I do claim that it is sweet and it is good for you. So I think what I’m creating here is going to open your minds a little bit and open your hearts a little bit.
This is why I am creating this project so you can be a little bit illuminated by the things I’ve learned. Now I gotta say I was a bit hesitant about telling this story because I had some preoccupations thinking somebody was gonna think that I’m falsely modest.
Or someone would think that I’m bragging trying to be more spiritual than I am….but I think it’s really important to tell those things even when your voice trembles. Especially those things you’re a little bit afraid of saying so once again I took that courage.
And I hope that gives you an idea of what I’m trying to do here. Thank you so much, thank you for listening, thank you for staying grateful and thank you for thinking beautifully.
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