Episode 23

You Are Free to Worry

Sometimes it seems like there’s so much that can go wrong in this world. It almost makes sense to worry, considering we have so many potential negative outcomes. Then when we try to stop ourselves from worry, it seems that only makes it worse – like a ball full of air jumping up after being held under water.

But being anxious about something rarely helps us. Thinking about all the things that can go wrong doesn’t prepare us for those situations, either because they never happen, or because we can’t think about them clearly.

With practice, we can learn a little more about worry and have a little more control over our emotions. By noticing that we have the freedom to be anxious, and allowing ourselves that freedom, we can begin to find our freedom to be calm.


Welcome beautiful thinkers, welcome explorers of thought, adventurers on the cosmic planes.

I want to tell you about worry, concern. You know you are always free to worry, but you never have to worry. That’s how things are in this life because everything goes more or less as it’s gonna go.

Worrying doesn’t change much. Worrying won’t move a hair on your head. Worrying definitely will not make you happier.

Here’s the thing about freedom. The freedom to do something is also the freedom to restrain yourself from it. The freedom to do something is also the freedom to not do something.

And sometimes we get this a little mixed up so a lot of people if they’ve done some reflection on how things work as a child they remember that when their parent told them not to do something in many cases that made them more likely to do it.

Jeffery Tucker once said that “When the U.S. government banned cannabis, it somehow made it cool.” Before that point, before the war on drugs was really rolled out, people saw it as tacky or lower class or something like that. By banning it, they made it more appealing, more sexy.

Sometimes we want to do things just because they are prohibited, just because they are taboo or they’re hidden from sight. WE think that things that are prohibited are somehow more interesting. It seems other people don’t want us to do it and we think “That stuff must be really important.”

Now it works the same interpersonally and intrapersonally. So when somebody tells you not to do something maybe you want to do it. If you tell yourself you don’t want to do something then you also want to do it.

So it’s like with people who quit smoking. I remember one account of a guy who quit smoking and he said “I am free at any time to go buy a pack of cigarettes.” And this is after like 20 years of not smoking.

He said “At any time”. From my perspective whenever he gets a little craving or maybe gets a little stressed and things man I could really use a cigarette he just thinks to himself “Maybe I’ll do it in 10 or 20 minutes” and the feeling passes and he let’s it go.

I’m not saying that’s an ideal model but the principle is being free to do something means being free not to do it. And this works with negative emotions like with worry, so if you feel or think like you shouldn’t worry, you’re more likely to feel worry.

But if you remember that you are always free to feel sad, worry, concern, heartbreak any other emotion than you do gain some freedom from those emotions. And you gain some control over them.

So a few months ago I released this video on Anxiety called Anxiety Mastery. You can search it on Youtube “anxiety mastery paradise paradox” and you’re gonna find it.

And I was talking about how people feel anxious and the example of Susan Jeffers when somebody gets up from the crowd at one of her conferences and says you know I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack and Jeffers says “Go ahead, have a panic attack. Actually I’ve never seen one I’m kinda curious what it would look like.”

And so this woman tries as hard as she can to have a panic attack and she just can’t do it. Sometimes trying to do something means that you end up not doing it and it’s the same with worry.

If you’re worrying about something, go ahead and feel free to worry. Maybe even try to worry but you’ll quickly see there’s nothing to worry about.

Now this is a message through all my meditation and everything that I’ve done. All my spiritual exploration. This is the best and purest message that I have come up with so far.

You are always free to worry, you never have to worry and beyond that, there is never anything to worry about. You never have to worry. Life is gonna happen, death is gonna happen. So many things will happen, you don’t have to worry.

Thank you for thinking beautifully, thank you for tuning in and listening to my words so they can bring more blessings to you and your family. Feelings of happiness and wonder. And every day miracles.

Thank you so much, have a great day, I’ll speak to you soon.

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