Episode 124
Let Go of Fighting

Many of us try to see life and life’s situations as puzzles, trying to solve them, put every piece in its place… Trying to arrange every part as if it were a machine.
When we get very deep into that mindset, we might start to feel like machines too, not the creative, living, breathing beings that we are.
Perhaps there’s another way to look at life, where we’re not striving or struggling. We may work hard, not in a way that reduces us, but a way that brings us life. We allow life to come to us.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
I want to talk to you about letting go of fighting.
Sometimes in life it seems with the brain and intellect that we have we try to put our neocortex to work and try to figure things out, solve life like its a puzzle, trying to put all the pieces in place.
We’re trying to arrange things so we can be successful in life, love and money, Finances, Any other aspect of life trying to plan it all out and look at the details break it down into its components and analyze them.
Reverse engineer them and when we do this sometimes it seems like we get some level of success by doing this and its true we can figure out how things work and get a little bit more of what we’re looking for.
I don’t think this is the best way of doing things because this is like the machine’s way of doing things. This is like trying to arrange all of the parts to get them in place.
But I believe the universe has a kind of intelligence of its own and it doesn’t rely ion know how each cog fits, there’s something else going on.
I remember when I went to an ayahuasca ceremony the last time in Pirque on the border of Santiago de Chile and the guides that worked and lived there told us we were trying to figure out how we were going to rent this house, how to pay for the training and everything. How we were going to arrange all the pieces of the puzzle to get it to fit.
And then it all came into place almost like magic and its interesting when we can let go of what is our analytical mind trying to get those pieces into place when we allow things to flow a little more maybe things will work out for us.
Now maybe they won’t, maybe its not that simple kind of magical thinking. Maybe that’s the Carnegie secret or something but there’s another element to this which is even truer I would say and it’s encapsulated in this song by Darwin Grajales and listen to the song “Y me llega el amor”
Love comes for me its called. Thats my translation. I always love the lyric where he says “Y cuando dejo de luchar, y me llega el amor”
When I let go of fighting love comes for me.
What if all those thoughts that we had those analytical measures strange little things trying to fit everything into place in our minds. Those things that we try to use to get love for ourselves are actually the thing preventing us from feeling that love, that peace within.
What if we could just let go, stop fighting, feel whatever it is, that mystery that is just one step beyond what we can comprehend, that unusual space that our minds can feel and relax into.
What if all we had to do is relax and let go? Get out of our own ways, is what they say. Its amazing what god can do when you get out of the way, let things happen.
Let that space in your mind thrive and let space for peace and love enter.
Thank you for listening and have a wonderful day.

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