Episode 16

Little Happy Things

You might find yourself in the audience of a play, gently polishing the lens of your camera to take some photos. Maybe you came to see one of the actors in the play, hoping that you might start a relationship with her. Maybe you’ll never see her again after that night. Whatever will happen, in that moment you feel content.

In another realm, after your life is over, you might sit with the spirits of the galaxy, watching a slideshow of the simple moments of your life. On Earth, those moments were nothing special, but outside of this world, every moment reveals vast amounts of mind-boggling information about the universe, Earth, and humankind. Can you, for a moment, look upon an instant of your life with the same wonder that it would inspire in your spirit friends?

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson


Welcome beautiful thinkers.

I want to talk to you about little happy things.

I remember months ago I was here in Asunción and I went to see a friends play in a theater and I was sitting there waiting for the lights to come up so the play could begin.

And I had my camera with me and I was sitting there polishing the lens with a microfiber cloth. In that moment I felt so content.

I don’t know why there was nothing particularly special about it. It wasn’t the height of ecstasy or the agony of defeat.

There wasn’t anything really special in a way. But that was something that made it special.
Just this tiny little moment of peace and anticipation, happiness. Simple action just sitting there polishing the lens.

Sometimes I think that at the end of our life we’re going to sit down and we’re going to have a sort of interdimensional slideshow.
And all our interdimensional friends are gonna be there, all the spirits of the galaxy huddled around in a limbo time living room where we’re watching these fine moments.

Like I said it won’t exactly be this thrill of victory, those enormous peaks define the wild extreme parts of our lives which you might think is most important.

Maybe it’s just these little slices of life which when looked upon from outside this world would really reveal a lot about this universe.

It’s funny cause we look at things with the eyes of humans. With the eyes of people from this Universe. If we could just for a moment just look with the eyes of somebody out of this world. An extraterrestrial or extra dimensional being, seeing the things in our every day lives that we take for granted.

We would be amazed. And this is an interesting sort of meditation exercise.
If you walk around your neighborhood and start to notice the shapes and think about how this would effect you if you were seeing this for the first time.

You would suddenly be amazed of what is going on.

In George Leonard’s Mastery he talks about how the face of the champion is not the face of a victor standing at the top of the podium in the number one spot.
“The face of the champion, the face of a master is something different. ” It’s actually this patient determined face that you never see on the front of a news paper.

The master ready waiting moving patiently and slowly steadily across a plateau until one day he pops into the next level of development and again finds himself on the plateau.

Echart Tolle says “We spend a lot of our lives waiting so why don’t we enjoy that?”

He says “You might just be standing in a cue or something. You’ve just ordered me food and they pass you the food and say “I’m sorry about the wait”.

“And you can say “That’s alright, I was just standing here enjoying myself.”

There are little moments for you to enjoy all through your life if you choose if you just open your eyes a little bit and take note. Have a look at the shapes around you. Listen to the sounds of birds chirping and cars passing, people in the next room talking with an underlying love for each other. Respect.

Little things, little happy things are all around you. Thank you so much for reading, thank you so much for thinking beautifully. I’ll talk to you soon.

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