Episode 210
The Metaphysical Meaning of Poop

In the digestive process, we eat the food, we absorb the nutrients, and then we let it pass. If we retain the food after our bodies process it, that is surely a sign that we are heading for ill health.
Likewise, with our experiences, we can enjoy them, absorb the wisdom or lessons or anything else of value, and then we can let them pass. Just as there is no need to find our excrement once it has been released, there is no need to rehash our experiences once we have processed them.
We learn what we can, and then we let go.
Hosts & Guests
Kurt Robinson
So the other day I was having some digestive problems. I mentioned to my friend Luis Fernando and he sent me this unusual article of this woman Luis Hay and the article is talking about excrement, the metaphysical meaning of poop.
I’ll read you a quote from this article.
“When Luis was asked to share the metaphysical meaning of poop, she said:
Bowels or poop are an indication of how we live our lives. All of life is: taking life in, assimilating what is good for us, and releasing and letting go of that which we no longer need.
When intake, assimilation, and elimination are all in Divine right order in my body, I feel great. There is nothing that feels like a really good poop. Then we flush and it’s on its way, never to return! This is nature’s way. I do not know of anyone who tries to go into the sewer to retrieve their poop.
If only we could treat all of our life experiences the same way. Intake, assimilation, elimination, and flush! How often do we dig into the garbage of our past, try to bring back a situation so we can rehash it, go over it again — worry some more — and look for a different solution, when it no longer exists in our life?
When I find myself doing this, I say to myself, “Flush, Louise!” and I bring myself back to the now. Now is where the action is.
This article is very curious, is a wonderful example of how anything in life can have a spiritual element to it or deeper meaning or metaphor for how to live our lives.
If we look at things with bright eyes, discernment then suddenly we can find all sorts of lessons for us all over the place.
Of course how many times in our lives do we hold onto our struggles, relating to them and thinking they are a part of our lives and part of our identity but really the situation is gone so why not as Louise, why not just flush?
If its gone let it go.
Thank you for letting go of those parts of yourself that no longer serve you.

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