Episode 193

What Are You

In religious circles, it’s often said that acts will not get you into heaven. There must be something more than acts, some faith or devotion, or perhaps some transformation.

To a god, acts are like pieces on a chessboard, easily rearranged, stood up or cast down. Of course acts can come from many motivations, and they can only ever be an expression of what is inside.

In the great myths, we find ourselves in limbo or purgatory, jumping across the abyss and the inferno. Finally we reach the weighing place. It is not our acts that are placed on the scale to be weighed against a feather – it is our heart.

So… what are you?

Hosts & Guests

Kurt Robinson


Welcome beautiful thinkers, I’d like to ask you this question, what are you>

The other day I was watching this video from some of these red pill guys on YouTube. These guys are called Entrepreneurs in Cars and he was talking about how a lot of men write to him and say that I don’t understand, I did all these things for my woman and now she left me or cheated or whatever it was.

And the host of the channel talks about how that’s right, like you’re going about this like it’s an accounting measure. Like if you do lots of things for your woman like build a bogota in the back yard or you take her on a trip to Europe, things like that. Somehow she’s going to cut you more slack when really what she wants is you at your highest striving for excellence.

She wants you to give yourself to the world, your highest essence and potential and put your amazing self and soul into the world and show them what you really are. That’s what she wants.

She doesn’t want things, she wants acts. It makes me think how many people say deeds won’t get you into heaven. I’ve wondered so many times about that I think to a god deeds would be moving the pieces on a chess board.

A god will be much more interested in who and what you are because acts can only be secondary, they can only be an expression of what you are.

What you are is primary in this question, your identity and your soul and essence. Your transformation and I think about the afterlife.

When you journey into that final place you make your way through the labyrinths and infernos.

When you gaze into the depths of emptiness and sadness to leap over. When you make your way over to the way place, there it won’t be your acts that are placed on the scale.

It will be your heart, so what are you?

Thanks for coming along with the ride. I mentioned a Youtube channel there Entrepreneurs in Cars. I do recommend it for some men especially if they don’t have an idea about what the relationships are about or they don’t feel they understand women. I do think it’s important probably to spend too much time wasting and that kind of thing because it can be overwhelming and push you too far in one direction where it starts to get toxic.

Listening back I notice this passage from David Deida’s way of the superior man. This is a very interesting book, I recommend it. Its important for men because the book is intended for those with masculine essence but I say its interesting for just about everyone to read to understand their place in the world.

I found this passage here:

Perhaps you have been working towards some financial goal and finally you have succeeded. After many months or years of effort you have creatively earned a lot of money. You feel happy, full successful, great.

You come home to your woman and want to share the news with her, “I just made a million dollars today.”

“That’s nice.”

“What do you mean that’s nice? You know how hard I have been working lately.”

“I know, feels like I haven’t seen you in months. Did you remember to pick up some milk on the way home?”

“Oh, sorry. I forgot, but who cares we could buy a dairy farm.”

“I asked you to pick up milk three times this morning and even put a note on your briefcase, how could you forget?”

“I said I’m sorry, look, I’ll go get the damn milk.” Why is she being this way, because she wants to deflate your success? No, she’s challenging you because your success doesn’t mean shit unless you’re free and loving.

If you’re free and loving, nothing she can say will collapse you. She wants to feel you are uncollapsable so she pokes you in your weak spot.

Of course she knows how much it means to you, that’s why she’s negating it. But because she wants to feel Shiva, your strength. She wants to feel your happiness is not dependent on her response or on you making a million dollars. She wants to feel you are a superior man.

The question isn’t about things, what you can do. It’s about what you are, the true essence of yourself that can embrace the world and still be happy. Understand that there are disappointments that people aren’t always going to acknowledge you in the way you expect but still love fully.

That’s the message, thanks for listening.

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